OpenConf 05.2021

  • 20 May 2021 - 20 May 2021
  • Online


17:50 - 18:10

Gold Sponsors Nokia and Fuelics joint Presentation

Fuelics and Nokia presenting IoT solutions at a scale

19:35 - 20:40

Panel: Reversing Brain-Drain

During the panel, we'll discuss how we can minimize the brain drain from Greece, or even better reverse it by creating an environment for people to come back.

Dr. Eirini Spyropoulou Dr. Eirini Spyropoulou
Maria Calafatis (old) Maria Calafatis (old)
Matina Tsavli (OLD) Matina Tsavli (OLD)
Antonis Kalipetis (2022) Antonis Kalipetis (2022)
Dimitris Aivatoglou Dimitris Aivatoglou
Dr. Matina Thomaidou (2021) Dr. Matina Thomaidou (2021)
20:50 - 21:30

frequently asked questions

Where could i find the details of the event?

We will send you all the details about the event via email.

Why do i need to checkout in order to get my tickets?

Open conf is free of charge. You must perform a "virtual checkout" in order to confirm your personal details and reserve your spots!

  • Time : 17:00 - 21:30 (UTC)
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