Thomas Pliakas

Thomas Pliakas

Senior Software Architect @ Nokia

Thomas Pliakas is a senior passionate software engineer who likes to work in performance improvements in each phase of the project life cycle.

He has primarily been working on architecting, developing, and tuning low latency and high throughput telco products.

He is also a co-organizer of Java Hellenic User Group (JHUG) meetups and participates in the program committee of Devoxx Greece.

All Sessions by Thomas Pliakas

14:40 - 16:40

Celebrating 25 years of Java Community Process

Open Space - communities

Saturday 23.Nov / 14:40

25 years of the Java Community Process (JCP) - 30 min

Java Puzzle Games - 60 min

Open Discussion about Java - 20 min

Rafle - 2 books

TAGS: #JCP #JavaCommunityProcess #PuzzleGames #OpenDiscussion #Rafle

12:05 - 13:35

Liberate your data using Redis Stream and Go

Workshop Room2

Saturday 23.Nov / 12:05

THEME: SW Craftsmanship

For real-time data stream processing, Redis (since Redis 5) has introduced a new data structure, called `Redis Streams`, where you can do a lot more than what was possible with Pub/Sub, Lists or Sorted Sets. The best part of Redis Streams is that it’s built into Redis, so there are no extra steps to deploy or manage.

With `Redis Streams` and Golang, we can collect large volumes of data arriving at high velocity, communicate between producers and consumers asynchronously, manage our consumption of data even when producers and consumers don’t operate at the same rate and finally use the main memory efficiently.

#SWCraftsmanship #Redis #RedisStreams #RealTimeAnalytics

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