Senior Principal Software Engineer @ Red Hat
Ioannis Canellos has more than 18 years experience as Java developer 12 of which are as full time OpenSource developer.
He is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, with contribution to numerous projects as a committer and PMC member.
He is currently working as a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat as part of Red Hat Spring team, where he spends most of his time implementing tools and frameworks related to Kubernetes, Openshift, Spring Boot and Quarkus.
He is also the creator of Spring Cloud Kubernetes, Fabric8 Kubernetes Framework], Dekorate and more ...
Saturday 11.Nov / 11:20
THEME: SW Craftmanship, Microservices
Quarkus is leading the way in the Kubernetes Native Java Application development space. Bring your laptop and come to this workshop to learn the basics around Quarkus, try your first program and experience first hand how Quarkus brings Developer Joy.
#quarkus, #kubernetes, #native, #java, #cloud