System Administrator & Research Associate @ University of Thessaly
Georgios Demesiotis obtained his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Thessaly.
He is currently working as a System Administrator and Research Associate at the Software Centric and Autonomic Networking (SCAN) Laboratory of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). His main fields of interest include Unix, Cyber Security, Linux administration, and IoT programming.
Friday 10.Nov / 14:05
We will present an application of a Digital Twin based framework in a crisis management and mitigation scenario taking place at a university campus and especially at the University of Athens – department of Informatics and Telecommunications.
Demo will allow attendees to Explore the integration of a 3D digital twin, Recognize the importance of adaptive transmissions, Analyse resource orchestration and energy-saving mechanisms and Understand the impact on safety and efficiency.
TAGS: #DigitalTwin, #AI, #Safety, #CrisisManagement, #RealTime, #5G